The Mutual Appreciation Society


 – without you, I’m nothing!

When I began my descent into the fragrant maelstrom that is perfume blogging almost three years ago, I likely had a good general knowledge of my subject matter – perfume – but not one clue as to what my love of that ephemeral art might come to signify. My main concern was really my only reason to begin – to become a better writer, on the premise that if you can write about perfume, you can write about anything.

But that airhead decision, born one summer night after the third glass of wine and pleasantly fuzzy White Zinfandel-tinted thoughts, would have consequences far above and way beyond anything I could possibly have imagined in even my wildest dreams.

In the perfumes I have come to love and adore – some of them many light years removed from my previous fragrant inclinations. In the knowledge I’ve acquired – about their making, their marketing, the machinations and mayhem of Planet Perfume. In the future I’ve come to envision (and create) for myself. In the writing I’ve done since then – if all my sometimes verbose reviews were put together end to end, you would have about five paperback novels worth of material.

But above all other considerations in the people I’ve come to know.

Some of my dearest, most precious friends have come through perfume and remained for reasons which have nothing to do with the juice and everything to do with common ground elsewhere. Phone conversations, Skype conversations, emails and PMs and DMs and onward – all of these fellow perfumoholics have somehow come into my life as invaluable additions to an otherwise fairly solitary existence and to such a degree I really don’t know how I could live without them.

Without the astonishing generosity of the international perfume community, the many connections I’ve made and the friendships I’ve forged in the process, this blog  – and indeed this writer! – would never, ever have been possible.

So when my laptop Cassius Dio exhibited signs of encroaching Elzheimer’s, I did what any social media-savvy, destitute writer would do. I created an Indiegogo campaign to see if I could raise the funds to acquire another and later model, one that might conjure even greater chances and opportunities and possibilities for a future once so far-fetched I didn’t even dare to dream about it.

As of today, the campaign runs for another twenty-six days. As of today, I’m over halfway to my goal. I arranged to have the campaign run as fixed funding, meaning if I don’t reach my goal and you have contributed, your pledge will be returned to you, since that seemed only fair. I’m emphatically not out to fleece people or to abuse such declarations of faith and trust. In the event I don’t, I’m enough of an optimist to believe that miracles can happen, and usually when we least expect them.

To say I am grateful, floored, flattered and completely humbled by that response is the Understatement of the Century.

Really, those two small yet all-important words ‘thank’ and ‘you’ aren’t nearly epic enough for my tastes.

I’m not about to embarrass anyone by pointing out to my contributors. You know who you are. You are my friends, my comrades in sillage, my daily inspirations, aspirations and confidantes. You enrich and elevate my earthly existence daily.

You more than anyone at all have made everything worthwhile in my life not just possible, but probable.

I really am about to set the world on fire, which is all I can say for now, but trust me – it’s all good!

But without you, without your input, your comments, your encouragement and your faith in one lowly, destitute perfume writer in her garret, it would have never happened at all.

If all goes well, I’ll do my utmost to live up to that declaration of faith – to challenge myself as a writer and a perfumista, to up the ante in terms of perfume writing, to do everything I humanly can to contribute any way I can to…

The Mutual Appreciation Society. I’ll blow you a fragrant kiss and last, but never, ever, ever least…

Thank YOU.  


More on the Save The Genie campaign here.

14 thoughts on “The Mutual Appreciation Society

  1. In the old days the Christian did give 10% of their income to the church. In this spirit I will pledge 10% of my July profit to this creative cause. Sure I can do my July books within the next 26 days. It is also the Ramadan season where acts of generosity are encouraged. Of course atheists and pagans have always been able to make their own minds up without reference to applied theology.

    So I challenge your other readers to do the 10% thing as suits their circumstances so that you can Write On and Waft On, as in On and On and On.

    The Genie is always more powerful out of the bottle!

    Metaphysically Yours,

    Jordan Jinn

    1. Jordan, my fragrant friend, I’m speechless. My heart is flying out of my chest and I’m shedding a tear as I type. 😉
      I knew why I became a perfume writer. But now, I know why I continue.
      Because of people like YOU. Thank you! :-*

  2. I was quite moved to tears as I was reading this.
    You’re a great writer, ideal friend and perfect perfumista. And we love you for that.

    Congrats on collecting over 1/2 of the funds you need to “revive” your computer, or I should rather say get a new one with a brand new life

    1. What is far beyond wonderful, dear Carlos… the many people I’ve met and transported through my writing – and who knows where that might go – or how many epiphanies might happen? 😉

  3. Congratulations for your fruitful campaign thusfar, dear Sheila. Love and well-wishes for the remainder. You are a wonderful writer and person who I surely want to keep writing.

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